5.国家自然科学基金面上项目,61379034,服务生态网络的服务信任理论, 2014/01-2017/12,结题,参与.
6.国家自然科学青年基金,6100325,基于信任的服务协同机制与算法研究、 2011/1-2013/12,结题,参与.
1.Surong Yan, Haosen Wang, Yixiao Li, Yuan Zheng , Long Han. Attention-aware metapath-based network embedding for HIN based recommendation. Expert Systems With Applications.174(2011):1-12,2021.(SCI Index)
2.Surong Yan*, Kwei-Jay Lin, Xiaolin Zheng, Wenyu Zhang. Using Latent Knowledge to Improve Real-Time Activity Recognition for Smart IoT. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2020,32(3):574-587, (CCF A类, SCI index).
3.Zhenqiu Huang, Kwei-Jay Lin, Bo-Lung Tsai, Surong Yan, Chi-Sheng Shih.Building edge intelligence for online activity recognition in service-oriented IoT systems, Future Generation Computer Systems,2018, 87:557-567(SCI Index).
4.Surong Yan*, Kay-Jay Lin, xiaolin zheng, Wenyu Ahang,Xiaoqin Feng. An Approach for Building Efficient and Accurate Social Recommender Systems Using Individual Relationship Networks. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering,2017,29(10): 2086-2099.(CCF A类, SCI index).
6.Surong Yan*, Yixing Liao, Xiaoqing Feng, Yanan Liu. Real Time Activity Recognition on Streaming Sensor Data for Smart Environments. 2016 International Conference on Progress in Informatics and Computing (PIC), pp.51-55,2016. (EI Index)
7.Su-Rong Yan, Xiao-Lin Zheng(*), Yan Wang, William Wei Song, Wen-Yu Zhang. A Graph-Based Comprehensive Reputation Model: Exploiting Social Context of Opinions to Enhance Trust in Social Commerce, Information Sciences,318(2015):51-72. (SCI Index).
8.Surong Yan. A Collaborative Filtering Recommender Approach by Investigating Interactions of Interest and Trust. Knowledge Engineering and Management, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, v 214, pp.173-188, 2014, ISKE 2012.(EI Index).
9.Surong Yan, Xiaolin Zheng(*), Deren Chen, Yan Wang, Exploiting Two-Faceted web of trust for Enhanced-quality Recommendations. Expert Systems with Applications, 2013, 40(17):7080-7095. (SCI Index)
10.Su-Rong Yan, Xiao-Lin Zheng(*), De-Ren Chen, Wen-Yu Zhang, User-Centric Trust and Reputation Model for Personal and Trusted Service Selection. International Journal of Intelligent Systems,2011,26(8):687-717.(SCI Index)
11.Surong Yan, Xiaolin Zheng, Deren Chen,A User-centric Trust and Reputation Method for Service Selection.2010 International Symposium on Intelligence Information Processing and Trusted Computing, pp.101-105,2010.(EI Index)
12.Surong Yan, Xiaolin Zheng, Deren Chen,Dynamic Service Selection with Reputation Management.2010 International Conference on Service Sciences, pp.9-16,2010. (EI Index)
13.Vilho Räisänen著,吴晓波,陈琦,严素蓉译,《服务建模:原理与应用》,浙江大学出版社,2010.