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3.Hang-Shi Xu and Jing-Bo Xu, Quantum nonlocality and entanglement of pair cat states with phase decoherence, Chin. Phys. Lett. 25(2008)1553
4. Hang-Shi Xu and Jing-Bo Xu,Entanglement and teleportation of pair cat states in the amplitude decoherence channel, Commun. Theor. Phys. 52(2009)45
5. Hang-Shi Xu and Jing-Bo Xu, Entanglement dynamics of a three-level atom in Ξ configuration, Chin. Phys. Lett. 26(2009)010301
6. Zheng-Da Hu, Qi-Liang He, Hang-Shi Xu, and Jing-Bo Xu, Sudden transition from finite temperature spin environments, Physics Letters A 376(2012)3011
7. Dong-Mei Wang, Hang-Shi Xu, Jing-Bo Xu, and You-Hong Yu, Enhancement of geometric discord for the system of superconducting qubits and transfer of quantum information, journal of the optical society of america b-optical physics, (2013)2277
8. Wei Wu, Hang-Shi Xu, Zheng-Da Hu, Jing-Bo Xu, Stationary quantum correlations in Tavis–Cumming model induced by continuous dephasing process Quantum Inf Process 12(2013) 3191